In the pre-Katrina world of south Louisiana, a high school girl, her boy friend, and her mother are about to be caught up in a violent act of retribution.
Callie lives with her single-parent mom, makes do with a flaky boyfriend, and is a junior at a high school in the small town of Hammond, La. She’s a smart, though impulsive, kid who figures she can handle almost anything. Only, her world is turned upside down when her mother is kidnapped, she and her boyfriend are taken, and her boyfriend’s father is murdered casually by the man her mother works for as a book keeper.
Her mother, Jean, holds refuses to reveal the location of her secret copy of the mob’s books until the criminals threatens to kill Callie. When she capitulates, the boss, Tony, orders his men to kill Callie anyway. The escape, the pursuit through rural Louisiana, and the final showdown on the waters of Lake Ponchartrain move to an ending both tragic and uplifting simultaneously.
This is the first book in the Callie Houston Series which is set in New Orleans area and features a headstrong, courageous young woman who has faced down many odds including death.
May 11, 2010 at 9:43 am
5 star article brilliant. I am new to blogging and you used a langauge I can understand