Sour air streamed from the drier vents in the alley in back of the laundromat. I pressed close against the spit stained wall by the bust stop on Division. By the depths in the hypogloamy sea, by the shores of Armageddon, I have strolled on the sands of slime and now my feet are splay. […]
February 28, 2009
Singing in the Rain
Night showers on damp flowers tingled with other smells. Alleyways on Bourbon, daily ways for urban folks, human yolks stoppered to stare at Daniel; a human eddy with money heady, some unsteady, umbrellas ready, mobile awnings like shadow halos dripping diamond dew. Funny man with felt hat clutching wet cat, seen turning like a child […]
February 28, 2009
A late snow fell not long after green shoots of early grasses loosed the grip of a hard and dirty winter. I caught up my camera and walked to Centennial Park, where a copy of the Parthenon stood with many columned legs upon a field and waited for Athena to arrive on the West End […]
February 28, 2009
Mourning and the Electric Avocado
Polly feeds the automated Nelson and table speakers belt out phrases like “Down in Muskogee, under the flood, my crop of potatoes is buried in mud.” in an accent as elastic as chewing gum. Our conversation is a parsed string strung between loud pauses. On the stage, a comic is poised in suspended imitation, scattered […]
February 28, 2009
New Orleans Soul
Silent St. Charles trolley rolled downtoward Tulane. Dragons guarded the Super Egg; watermelon howled and danced on frog’s legs; the cat’s belly growled and heaven floated on Old Man with calliope honking. Blue Man’s harp bended down through town, wailing in the last hours before the cock sings. Posed like a wilted flower, heavy breathed […]
February 28, 2009
Moveable Feast in Smalltown
All children in Smalltown celebrate Birthdays at Bigboat pizza place, A moveable feast on Saturday morning. Smalltown has no BigMac space. Bigboat has a crusty grill and a two pan oven; There are beer taps, baseball caps, coffee urns, Pots buffed, a parrot stuffed, cup racks, plate stacks, A photo of Callipso, and green plastic […]
February 28, 2009
Oysters in the Pearl
At the mouth of the Pearl there is a bar of white sand where you can stand without other footprints far about. When weather dries out the water is neat and the land bends brighter tunes; but I’d rather have the rain and heat to keep me thinking slowly while I spin this story. Upriver […]
February 28, 2009
Grab My Hand
Sweet history of life in which sorrow is a malfunction in punctuation, so hang on, dawn, on the road from work-a-day down on, a song rough sung along the way. And hear from the wizzard of ah’s that near the shore a man of clay wades in shallow waters along the beach across bay, melting.
February 28, 2009
Dove Hunting
Father stalks the pasture fence line, shotgun held low but ready to track the flight of a darting dove. I see his cap floating over the ripe fields of milkweed and poke. My towheaded cousin bends to clasp with cupped hands his vision of the fluttering white butterfly. In the distance I see Father stand […]
February 28, 2009
She rests with God above the ground, her bones to pick by things that fly, No longer caring where she’s bound. The desert god deep orange and round descends to night with tears burned dry; she rests with God above the ground. I hear her ask if I have found a reason for her not […]
February 28, 2009
Drag Race
Staccato bark of trembling metal hounds crouching at the line.
February 28, 2009
Pioneer Cut Off
I’m writing this as I sit in front of the Copy Center in the shopping center across the road from Jackson Creek. Fortunately these shops are all high above the street level. I’m thinking about that nice art gallery that the folks from Mexico just put in. Their place is down on the level of […]
February 28, 2009
Rain Gauge
Happy New Year! Larry and Georgia have sent us two muffaletto buns and a jar of olive salad from New Orleans. We’re going to have mufs and wine with Sandy and Tony for lunch. Then Tony calls to tell us that Sandy has broken her foot (again), so we’re going to Burger King for lunch […]
February 28, 2009
Big Storm
On the twenty ninth I write in my journal that “the big storm that was supposed to move into California so far has been nothing more than a shift in the wind and a few splatters of cold drops. The weather folks are starting to talk about combined effects and next wave. I’m thinking bad […]
February 28, 2009
A few weeks later, after receiving her nomination for the next Rotary District Governor of the California-Nevada District, she is talking with her father back in Texas. It’s easy to hear both sides of the conversation. He shouts into the telephone as if he were still using one of those old horn shaped wooden boxes. […]
February 28, 2009